The Adi Baptist Council (ABC) was formed on 31st August 1981 with the burden of carrying out the gospel of Christ. And bring unity among the existing Baptist churches among Adi Tribes inhabited in different Districts of Arunachal Pradesh in primary focus.
This council is fully constituted; it depends upon self administration & self funding. The council is registered with accordance under the Society Registration Act 21 of 1860 by the Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh vide registration no. SR/ITA/4637, 05/06/2014. Mission Compound of the ABC is located at, Kelek Mirbuk, , P.O. Pasighat; District: East Siang, 791102 Arunachal Pradesh.
The main vision of ABC is presenting the unchanging Christ to changing universe. And the objects are: To be Christ centered, gospel oriented and nurturing society to unreached peoples and places. We have the aim to unify all the Baptist Churches of the Council; To proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to evangelize.
To Co-operate with other Christian Organizations, bodies having same aims and objectives for the upliftment of humankind.
To imbibe in the minds of the growing Christian, the right sense of social and civic responsibilities from early age through spiritual discipline so as to make them a loyal citizen.
To maintain unity to mitigate the Problems that hinders the developments of human potential such as poverty, Ignorance, illiteracy, disease and social injustice.
To develop humanitatarian services such as relief program me, opening of educational institution, Hospitals and Community health services; To prepare, publish periodicals, monograph, books, documentaries and films in furtherance of the objectives of the Society.
For more details, please contact:
Mr. John Padung, Executive Secretary
Adi Baptist Council
Kelak, Mirbuk,
H.Q. Pasighat, Arunachal Pradesh
+91 98628 52028