Galo Baptist Church Council was formed in the year of 1982 in order to make easier operational movement within the particular community. Earlier it was a part of Adi Baptist Union ministry; there is a lot of similarity and dissimilarity among them. So in the said year there was a revival crusade took place in Dipa Baptist church on 22nd-24th January. The speaker’s message was required to be interpreted; while interpreting there was bid problem of understanding the interpreted language. It was a joint gathering of Galo, Minyong and Padam believers.
An acute language problem arose, messages preached or interpreted in Minyong was not comprehensive to Galo and vice versa. Mr. Gode Doke’s effort of Galo association found expression with this language problem. It paved the way for preliminary talk of immediate formation of Galo association. It was discussed at Pale Baptist church during pastors’ fellowship on 25th February 1982.
At present GBCC is fully organized association got different wings to extent the ministry, GBCC mission compound is located at Basar, Lower Siang district of Arunachal Pradesh. 79 individual Galo Baptist Churches being affiliated to Galo Baptist Church Council and 7 more yet to be registered.
Contact address:
Galo Bapist Church Council
Chinya Basaar, Executive Secretary
P.O. Basar, Dist: Lower Siang,
Arunachal Pradesh 7911101
+91 8794385747,